Monday, February 6, 2012


Time just keeps flying by. I don't want to, but I'm going to blame the little monsters for that! :o) It has been forever since I last wrote an entry...argh! Sorry!

For those who are located in Marshall and drive by our house/studio. You might notice a "For Sale" sign in our yard in the next week or so. Yes, we're looking to move, but in the area. In the meantime, thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. This is where having your business in our home becomes challenging! We've started clearing out the house, except for in the studio and my prop office. It will stay this way until the day we actually move. So, no worries on the type of service you'll receive. And no, it won't be a "limited" studio in this time of change.

If you've been to my home studio in the past seven years, you'll know there are a few things I'd like different in my studio (taller ceilings, designated changing space, formal ordering office, etc.) All of those things will hopefully be incorporated in the new space. So, ultimately, this move should be a great thing professionally in the long run.

Also, if for some reason, we sell before either buying or building our new home. I'm putting plans in place to secure space in the area to continue serving my customers in the meantime. So, you'll always be able to find me, but my website, phone & email will remain the same!

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